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Living with Hearing Loss Workbook -- Samuel Trychin, PH.D.
Living with Hearing Loss: Workbook

Living with Hearing Loss in School -- Samuel Trychin, PH.D.
Living with Hearing Loss: At School

On Line Training Available


sam and dorisSamuel Trychin, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Listed in the National Register of Health Service Psychologists

Dr. Trychin is a psychologist in private practice and provides consulting services to Stairways Behavioral Health in Erie, PA. One of his specialties focuses on psycho-social interventions for people who have hearing loss and their communication partners.  He also specializes in emotional regulation coaching and training for people who suffer from stress-related disorders. Dr. Trychin conducts national and international education and training programs for people who are hard of hearing, their communication partners, and for professionals who provide services to them.  His programs include the application of psychological concepts, principles, and procedures to problems and issues related to hearing loss and to stress-related mental health issues..

Dr. Trychin is the Mental Health and Rehabilitation Advisor to the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and a member of the Governor’s Advisory Council for Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (ACDHH) . He is a member of the Advisory Committee for the Western Pennsylvania Central Center for people who are deaf or have hearing loss (WCCD). Dr. Trychin has written 15 books, authored several professional book chapters and journal articles, and produced a variety of DVDs focused on strategies for living better with hearing loss. He and his wife, Janet Trychin, an audiologist, frequently conduct workshops and training programs together.

As a faculty member of the Ida Institute of Denmark, Dr Trychin works to support the mission of the institute to promote a better understanding of hearing loss around the world.  Dr. Trychin has also been Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Living with Hearing Loss Program at Gallaudet University.

He was the Director of Training for the Mental Health Research and Training Center for Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened Adults, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego.


Hearing Loss and Emotional Regulation -- Samuel Trychin



Trychin, S, (2017) Hearing Loss and Emotional Regulation: Building Resilience.